This Update addresses multiple issues for Inventor 2013. This Update take the place of Update 1 and includes all changes contained in Update 1.
Here is what is addressed in Update 2:
- User .xml file migrates to the material/appearance library incorrectly
- Creating a Presentation will create duplicate appearance styles
- Customer material/appearance library contains duplicate asset names after migration
- During Content Center update, Custom library is removed if a corresponding material is missing in the Inventor Material Library
- Feature color override changes after a rebuild all in derived parts
- Migration of Inventor library creates a duplicate material when an identical material exists in the target library
- Multiple stability issues
- Nonexistent contacts detected between geometry may cause discrepancies in simulation results
- Occasional low memory warning message erroneously displays during solve of simulation
- File size increases significantly by FEA result file being embedded
- The lib file (.adsklib) locked by Inventor can't be checked in and synced to new version from Vault
- Update, Save, and Purge style dialog boxes do not set the default library as the active library
- After changing the material in one subassembly, the material in another subassembly may also change
- After placing and refreshing content center standard components, an incorrect material is assigned
- CER: Suppressed forces from legacy simulations from Dynamic Simulation sometimes cause exit when save
- CER: Unexpected exit occurs when generating iAssembly member after deleting a component with previous work-axis dependency
- CER: Unexpected exit occurs when selecting a top assembly node in the browser while launching a material browser dialog box
- CER: Unexpected exit on close of new part file when all Add-Ins are unloaded
- CER: Unexpected exit when using call Document.SaveAs to publish an Inventor file to a DWF file
- CER: Unexpected exit when calling GetHIconFromBitmapSource
- CER: Unexpected exit when copying components in assembly
- CER: Unexpected exit when deleting appearance and sorting
- CER: Unexpected exit when moving a sketch
- CER: Unexpected exit when re-enter the stress analysis environment with particular weldment assemblies
- CER: Unexpected exit when returning to construction mode after saving in simulation mode
- CER: Unexpected exit with Grip Snap command when clicking Esc after Free Drag
- Hotfix - DL19384851 (Inventor Vault Add-In) - Inventor 2013 unexpectedly exits when checking in files
Both the 32-bit and 64-bit are included in the download.
Here is a link for the Readme File - Click Here...
This update covers the following products:
- Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
- Autodesk Inventor 2013
- Autodesk Factory Design Suite Premium 2013
- Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2013
- Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013
- Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
inventor 2013 update 2 does not appear in add remove programs (control panel) as claimed in the read me file