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October 31, 2012

Inventor of the Month - October 2012

Autodesk has named MariCorp as the Autodesk Inventor of the Month for October 2012, a nationwide leader in the boat dock industry that has expanded from 6 to 45 employees in the past 6 years, for using Autodesk PLM 360 to streamline project management and Autodesk Inventor 3D CAD software as part of Autodesk Product Design Suite to improve their designs.

As a result of implementing Autodesk software, the fast-growing company, founded by its 25-year old CEO Scott Fitzpatrick while he was still in college, has been able to respond to bids more quickly, execute designs more effectively and efficiently scale its organization.

Autodesk PLM 360, a cloud-based product lifecycle management solution, has made project management and collaboration across the MariCorp organization much more efficient. The engineering department receives all the forms, images and notes for each project as attachments inside PLM 360. In return, the sales team can clearly see how the dock designs look and be absolutely clear when requesting changes. Requests for proposals that once initiated a week of frantic design activity now routinely wrap up in three days.

MariCorp estimates that the use of new design tools combined with easy access to accurate project information has helped reduce rework tenfold. Designs are noticeably more complete at the outset, leading to substantially less confusion or second-guessing from the manufacturing shop floor, all the way to final installation.

MariCorp is comfortable working in the cloud and, in addition to pursuing implementation of Autodesk Inventor iLogic, looks forward to maturing our design practices further to embrace cloud services like Autodesk 360 Optimization and to becoming even faster at creating more competitive and compelling designs.
Replacing its legacy design tools, MariCorp retooled its engineering processes around Autodesk Inventor software to build its dock designs and AutoCAD software to complete its drawings.
The company also uses Autodesk Showcase software to create photo-quality 3D illustrations of new design concepts. These renderings help customers to see a dock design in the context of its surroundings and understand the benefits and tradeoffs of the proposal more clearly than by viewing 2D sketches or blueprints.


Inventor of the Month - October 2012 Official Press Release

Here is a YouTube video about MariCorp

Image Credits: MariCorp, Autodesk

October 16, 2012

Inventor 2013 SP1.1

After having a little trouble with SP1, Autodesk has released Service Pack 1.1 (SP1) for Inventor 2013. Here are the details regarding what is included in the SP1.1.

Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 32-bit, Click Here...
Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 64-bit, Click Here...

Here is a link for the Readme file, Click Here...

October 10, 2012

AutoCAD for Mac - Mountain Lion Updates

Here is one for all of you Apple Mac product users. Autodesk has released a number of Service Packs for the AutoCAD for Mac lineup, which includes AutoCAD 2013, AutoCAD LT 2013, AutoCAD 2012. In addition to resolving issues reported by the Customer Error Reporting (CER) utility and other general problems identified since the previous versions were made available, these service packs add support for OS X 10.8, aka-Mountain Lion.

New Apple guidelines require that software packages installed on OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) meet certain security standards. These restrictions mean that you may be unable to do a fresh install or re-install of your existing AutoCAD for Mac products on OS X 10.8. In that case, depending on your product, you should either download the full version of AutoCAD 2012 for Mac or download the trial Mac versions of AutoCAD 2013 or AutoCAD LT 2013. These downloads have been updated to include the latest service packs and conform with new Apple security requirements.

Note: The service pack for AutoCAD LT 2013 is not for the AutoCAD LT 2013 purchased from the Mac App Store. That version will receive the new updates directly from the Mac App Store when it becomes available.

AutoCAD 2013 for Mac SP1, Click Here...
AutoCAD LT 2013 for Mac SP1, Click Here...
AutoCAD 2012 for Mac SP3, Click Here...