Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 32-bit, Click Here...
Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 64-bit, Click Here...
Here is a link for the Readme file, Click Here...
New Things addressed by SP1.1
- Unexpected exit due to excessive memory consumption.
- Physical assets missing in custom materials library.
- Unexpected exit when updating material style.
- Suppressed forces in legacy simulations from Dynamic Simulation sometimes cause an unexpected exit when you save.
- Mechanism Status dialog box sometimes hangs after you use the Weld Parts command.
- Pop-up warnings sometimes appear while you run a simulation command through the API.
- Inventor hangs when you move the application window that is calling an API command.
- Negative force magnitudes are not honored through API.
- An unexpected exit occurs when you save a simulation in simulation mode, and then return to construction mode.
Stress Analysis
- Part features for a shell no longer display in the browser after you add an assembly feature.
- An unexpected exit occurs when you re-enter the environment with particular weldment assemblies.
- In some cases, extra contacts are detected between geometries in shells.
- Result files embed in the model file after you save them.
- In rare cases, during solving, a message warns that you are running out of memory.
- The Shells folder displays an update icon, even though the shell model updated automatically.
- Min/Max probe labels remain visible in the graphics after you switch off visibility for the shell body.
- In some cases, a midsurface connector is not made automatically.
- In shell element simulations, after promoting configuration and then changing load values, when you update results again, results display as zero.
- In Windows Regional Settings for languages such as English, if you enter a comma for a decimal separator, convergence does not work when using shell elements.
- When you edit an Insert that you created before Core/Cavity, the resulting design view is inferior.
Tube & Pipe
- Performance is slow when you update a pipe run.
Alias to Inventor
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit Derived Alias surface.
- When you set values in the DrawingSettings API object, it clears the list of "model iProperties to be copied".
- An English template exists in a German build.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you try to get sub-nodes from a missing-part-document browser node.
- The Inventor View Control does not work correctly.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you call Document.SaveAs to publish an Inventor file to a DWF file.
- An unexpected exit occurs when you create a client view by calling the ClientViews.Add method.
- Fail to export custom layers in Flat Pattern sheet.
Application Functionality
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you undo an in-place edit, and then click Cancel in the save reminder dialog box.
- If you set a network location as the default templates path, Create New File dialog box does not list the templates.
- If you select the Save option "Prompt for Recomputable Updates" selected, repeated prompts occur when you open read-only Tube and Pipe data.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you create an ESKD Welding Symbol in a drawing, and then invoke the Continue command.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open certain assembly files with unresolved components.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open certain corrupted drawing files.
- Autodesk 360 Sign In, Account Recovery, and Create Account dialog boxes are not localized.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you send an Inventor file from a new semi-isolated project to Autodesk Cloud.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you send certain assembly files to Autodesk Cloud.
- Cannot change a Store App to unload automatically.
Assembly Modeling
- Material and Appearance updates do not propagate to child documents.
- When a lib file (.adsklib) is locked by Inventor, you cannot check it in and sync to the new version from Vault.
- A legacy style with realistic appearance scale changed has incorrect texture scale after migration.
- Update, Save, and Purge style dialog boxes do not set default library as the active library setting.
- Material Appearance on a part does not update correctly through Styles Update.
- An unexpected exit occurs when you select a top assembly node in the browser while launching a material browser dialog box.
- When you change a material of one subassembly, the material of another subassembly also changes.
- Customer protein library contains duplicate asset name after migration.
- If a custom library contains duplicate material, the library shows incorrect Density on physical iProperties.
- When you migrate colors to 2013, thumbnails do not update.
- A user .xml migrates to the protein library incorrectly.
- Feature color override changes after a rebuild all in derived parts.
- The materials and appearances get lost from the QAT when you click Reset Ribbon.
- BUG ALERT dialog box displays the message "Unload Protein library failed."
- If you create a presentation based on an Assembly, a duplicate appearance occurs.
- If you migrate an Inventor Library that contains a material that is identical to one in the target library, a duplicate material generates.
- The QAT for Material and Appearance does not update when the Browser window is open.
- Appearance texture scaling is incorrect in a section View.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when copying components in an assembly.
- The Inventor materials library does not maintain a newly added category.
- Appearance thumbnails from custom library are all gray. **re-migration of the Styles Library is required after installation of Service Pack 1 to allow thumbnails to display correctly.**
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you double click a material name on a specific library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open some specific part files.
- Cannot migrate legacy style when using a non-default location of Design Data and Inventor Material Library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete appearance and sort in a library.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you migrate a legacy part that contains a deleted Inventor asset.
- In Physical properties, cannot edit the Density field for a specific Display Unit.
- If you click New Appearance, and assign a system image as texture, the Link button becomes enabled.
Content Center
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you replace a family template based on some special data.
- After you select the correct material library, in the Content Center, the material of the component does not refresh.
- When you place and refresh content center standard components, incorrect material is assigned.
- During a Content Center update, a Custom library is removed if a corresponding material is missing in the Inventor material library.
- Refreshing Tube & Pipe components fails in AIS 2012.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you refresh a content center file after you modify it.
- Edit with Frame generator fails with unknown error when you work with custom Content Center library & materials.
- Edit Family table in Excel 2013 is supported.
- Connection with Content Center gets lost when you log in with Windows Authentication.
Direct Manipulation
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you rotate with a 3D mouse, and then select a face.
Drawing Manager
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete a drawing view.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete the drawing sheet.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a Vertex or Leader on a leader text.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits if you undo several steps after opening multiple AutoCAD DWG files.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete some particular broken view.
- Cannot add a hole in a Hole table from the Marking Menu.
- Some annotations on a hole thread become sick while you fully migrate a base model and its drawing.
Enhanced Visualization
- On some low end machines with XP OS, the graphics window becomes invalid and Inventor unexpectedly exits.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits sometimes when you close Inventor while some files are open.
- Some models have an issue with "graphic slice".
- When you select a part in an assembly, the visible sketch does not highlight.
- Drawing performance is slower with the default Performance hardware setting than with the Compatibility hardware setting.
- Drawing performance regression when you use shaded view style with broken views.
Frame Generator
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you run the Trim to Frame command.
- Frame generator member part file does not apply the selected material.
Part Modeling
- In X64 operating systems, Inventor unexpectedly exits when you change Source for a Link OLE object, and select a file with different file extension.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when treating some sick derived parts in the parent assembly.
- When you place an ipart in an assembly, the body appearance override is not respected.
- On some corrupted files, an unexpected exit occurs when you right-click the Solid Bodies folder.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update a bad dataset with a derived part.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update the split tool for a coil part.
- Cannot turn off the visibility of a sketch.
- Wrong Unit for Angle with German Language Pack.
Sheet Metal
- Unexpected exit when editing sheet metal flange.
- An over constrained error message displays when you add a coincident constraint to a 2D block.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you drag a coincident constraint.
- Inventor freezes when you drag a CV spline.
- An unexpected exit sometimes occurs while you trim a closed equation curve or its offset curve.
- Trim/Split command causes an unexpected exit on specific parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you right-click a constraint in the 3D sketch for some parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a coincident constraint for 2 points on a 3D sketch in particular parts.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit a 3D sketch on some parts.
- An unexpected exit occurs when you apply a tangent constraint between a control leg of a CV spline and the spline.
- Inventor unexpectedly exits when you move a sketch.
Task Scheduler
- Migration fails for iparts and derived parts.
- Failure to read some .cgr files occurs on import.
- An unexpected exit occurs on import of CATIA V5 files with a bad translation report embedded.
- Although you cancel the configure dialog box, the saving .dwf dialog box still displays.
- Cannot extrude a closed profile that constrains a CV spline after importing from AutoCAD.
- When you place a SAT file into an assembly with "Import as a Single Part" turned on, and then save the assembly, the file that Inventor generates from the SAT file does not save to disk.
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