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October 16, 2012

Inventor 2013 SP1.1

After having a little trouble with SP1, Autodesk has released Service Pack 1.1 (SP1) for Inventor 2013. Here are the details regarding what is included in the SP1.1.

Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 32-bit, Click Here...
Here is the link to download Inventor 2013 SP1.1 64-bit, Click Here...

Here is a link for the Readme file, Click Here...

New Things addressed by SP1.1
  • Unexpected exit due to excessive memory consumption.
  • Physical assets missing in custom materials library.
  • Unexpected exit when updating material style.
Dynamic Simulation
  • Suppressed forces in legacy simulations from Dynamic Simulation sometimes cause an unexpected exit when you save.
  • Mechanism Status dialog box sometimes hangs after you use the Weld Parts command.
  • Pop-up warnings sometimes appear while you run a simulation command through the API.
  • Inventor hangs when you move the application window that is calling an API command.
  • Negative force magnitudes are not honored through API.
  • An unexpected exit occurs when you save a simulation in simulation mode, and then return to construction mode.
Stress Analysis
  • Part features for a shell no longer display in the browser after you add an assembly feature.
  • An unexpected exit occurs when you re-enter the environment with particular weldment assemblies.
  • In some cases, extra contacts are detected between geometries in shells.
  • Result files embed in the model file after you save them.
  • In rare cases, during solving, a message warns that you are running out of memory.
  • The Shells folder displays an update icon, even though the shell model updated automatically.
  • Min/Max probe labels remain visible in the graphics after you switch off visibility for the shell body.
  • In some cases, a midsurface connector is not made automatically.
  • In shell element simulations, after promoting configuration and then changing load values, when you update results again, results display as zero.
  • In Windows Regional Settings for languages such as English, if you enter a comma for a decimal separator, convergence does not work when using shell elements.

  • When you edit an Insert that you created before Core/Cavity, the resulting design view is inferior.
Tube & Pipe
  • Performance is slow when you update a pipe run.
Alias to Inventor
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit Derived Alias surface.

  • When you set values in the DrawingSettings API object, it clears the list of "model iProperties to be copied".
  • An English template exists in a German build.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you try to get sub-nodes from a missing-part-document browser node.
  • The Inventor View Control does not work correctly.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you call Document.SaveAs to publish an Inventor file to a DWF file.
  • An unexpected exit occurs when you create a client view by calling the ClientViews.Add method.
  • Fail to export custom layers in Flat Pattern sheet.

Application Functionality
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you undo an in-place edit, and then click Cancel in the save reminder dialog box.
  • If you set a network location as the default templates path, Create New File dialog box does not list the templates.
  • If you select the Save option "Prompt for Recomputable Updates" selected, repeated prompts occur when you open read-only Tube and Pipe data.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you create an ESKD Welding Symbol in a drawing, and then invoke the Continue command.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open certain assembly files with unresolved components.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open certain corrupted drawing files.
  • Autodesk 360 Sign In, Account Recovery, and Create Account dialog boxes are not localized.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you send an Inventor file from a new semi-isolated project to Autodesk Cloud.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you send certain assembly files to Autodesk Cloud.
  • Cannot change a Store App to unload automatically.

Assembly Modeling
  • Material and Appearance updates do not propagate to child documents.
  • When a lib file (.adsklib) is locked by Inventor, you cannot check it in and sync to the new version from Vault.
  • A legacy style with realistic appearance scale changed has incorrect texture scale after migration.
  • Update, Save, and Purge style dialog boxes do not set default library as the active library setting.
  • Material Appearance on a part does not update correctly through Styles Update.
  • An unexpected exit occurs when you select a top assembly node in the browser while launching a material browser dialog box.
  • When you change a material of one subassembly, the material of another subassembly also changes.
  • Customer protein library contains duplicate asset name after migration.
  • If a custom library contains duplicate material, the library shows incorrect Density on physical iProperties.
  • When you migrate colors to 2013, thumbnails do not update.
  • A user .xml migrates to the protein library incorrectly.
  • Feature color override changes after a rebuild all in derived parts.
  • The materials and appearances get lost from the QAT when you click Reset Ribbon.
  • BUG ALERT dialog box displays the message "Unload Protein library failed."
  • If you create a presentation based on an Assembly, a duplicate appearance occurs.
  • If you migrate an Inventor Library that contains a material that is identical to one in the target library, a duplicate material generates.
  • The QAT for Material and Appearance does not update when the Browser window is open.
  • Appearance texture scaling is incorrect in a section View.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when copying components in an assembly.
  • The Inventor materials library does not maintain a newly added category.
  • Appearance thumbnails from custom library are all gray. **re-migration of the Styles Library is required after installation of Service Pack 1 to allow thumbnails to display correctly.**
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you double click a material name on a specific library.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you open some specific part files.
  • Cannot migrate legacy style when using a non-default location of Design Data and Inventor Material Library.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete appearance and sort in a library.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you migrate a legacy part that contains a deleted Inventor asset.
  • In Physical properties, cannot edit the Density field for a specific Display Unit.
  • If you click New Appearance, and assign a system image as texture, the Link button becomes enabled.

Content Center
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you replace a family template based on some special data.
  • After you select the correct material library, in the Content Center, the material of the component does not refresh.
  • When you place and refresh content center standard components, incorrect material is assigned.
  • During a Content Center update, a Custom library is removed if a corresponding material is missing in the Inventor material library.
  • Refreshing Tube & Pipe components fails in AIS 2012.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you refresh a content center file after you modify it.
  • Edit with Frame generator fails with unknown error when you work with custom Content Center library & materials.
  • Edit Family table in Excel 2013 is supported.
  • Connection with Content Center gets lost when you log in with Windows Authentication.

Direct Manipulation
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you rotate with a 3D mouse, and then select a face.

Drawing Manager
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete a drawing view.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete the drawing sheet.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a Vertex or Leader on a leader text.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits if you undo several steps after opening multiple AutoCAD DWG files.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you delete some particular broken view.
  • Cannot add a hole in a Hole table from the Marking Menu.
  • Some annotations on a hole thread become sick while you fully migrate a base model and its drawing.

Enhanced Visualization
  • On some low end machines with XP OS, the graphics window becomes invalid and Inventor unexpectedly exits.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits sometimes when you close Inventor while some files are open.
  • Some models have an issue with "graphic slice".
  • When you select a part in an assembly, the visible sketch does not highlight.
  • Drawing performance is slower with the default Performance hardware setting than with the Compatibility hardware setting.
  • Drawing performance regression when you use shaded view style with broken views.

Frame Generator
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you run the Trim to Frame command.
  • Frame generator member part file does not apply the selected material.
Part Modeling
  • In X64 operating systems, Inventor unexpectedly exits when you change Source for a Link OLE object, and select a file with different file extension.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when treating some sick derived parts in the parent assembly.
  • When you place an ipart in an assembly, the body appearance override is not respected.
  • On some corrupted files, an unexpected exit occurs when you right-click the Solid Bodies folder.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update a bad dataset with a derived part.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you update the split tool for a coil part.
  • Cannot turn off the visibility of a sketch.
  • Wrong Unit for Angle with German Language Pack.

Sheet Metal
  • Unexpected exit when editing sheet metal flange.
  • An over constrained error message displays when you add a coincident constraint to a 2D block.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you drag a coincident constraint.
  • Inventor freezes when you drag a CV spline.
  • An unexpected exit sometimes occurs while you trim a closed equation curve or its offset curve.
  • Trim/Split command causes an unexpected exit on specific parts.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you right-click a constraint in the 3D sketch for some parts.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you add a coincident constraint for 2 points on a 3D sketch in particular parts.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you edit a 3D sketch on some parts.
  • An unexpected exit occurs when you apply a tangent constraint between a control leg of a CV spline and the spline.
  • Inventor unexpectedly exits when you move a sketch.
Task Scheduler
  • Migration fails for iparts and derived parts.

  • Failure to read some .cgr files occurs on import.
  • An unexpected exit occurs on import of CATIA V5 files with a bad translation report embedded.
  • Although you cancel the configure dialog box, the saving .dwf dialog box still displays.
  • Cannot extrude a closed profile that constrains a CV spline after importing from AutoCAD.
  • When you place a SAT file into an assembly with "Import as a Single Part" turned on, and then save the assembly, the file that Inventor generates from the SAT file does not save to disk.

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