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March 22, 2011

Autodesk Inventor 2012-New Features Part 2-Enhanced Modeling

Model Repair Tools
Inspect and repair imported date in a repair environment for imported files. Then the imported data is reliable in downstream modeling operations.
Methods to create a repair body:

-Import the file into the repair environment using selected translators.
-In the Surface panel, click Repair Bodies and then select a base body.

Methods to enter the repair environment:

-In the browser, double-click the repair body icon.
-Right-click the repair body icon in the browser and then select Repair Bodies.

Remove errors with a specified tolerance value with the Heal Errors command. Click an error to find it in the graphics window and enable the repair mini-toolbar.
2D Sketch
The View default behavior for 2D sketches is changed. When you start a sketch on a component face, the view orients so that the sketch plane normal points at the display. The sketch plane is parallel to the display, and is ready for sketching.

Boundary Patch Command
The option to generate a G2 (smooth) boundary patch is added to the part modeling and repair environment. Use a G2 transition to eliminate visible seams between surfaces.
G2 Variable Radius Fillets
Variable radius fillets support G2 control. Use a G2 transition to eliminate visible seams between faces.
Mirror Fillets
Fillet features can be mirrored without including the parent feature. You can create symmetric models using fewer features.
Extended Feature Names
In the Model browser, the names of part features can be extended with information about feature parameters. Extended feature names enable better identification of existing part features.
Face Draft Enhancements
Controls are enhanced in the Draft command for adding draft to a model. These controls speed the creation of draft features and make it possible to create geometry that previously required multiple features.

-Create a draft feature using a parting line (2D or 3D sketch) to position the start of the draft.
-Use separate angle values above and below the parting line or fixed plane.
-With Automatic Face Chain enabled, faces tangent to the selected face are included in the draft.
-Automatic Blending is available for adjacent faces that blend with a fillet or other feature. Turn on Automatic Blending to maintain blended geometry.
-Direct Manipulation controls are included with the Draft command.

Display Failed Feature
You can locate failed features easily for problem solving. In the browser, pause the cursor over a failed feature to highlight it in the graphics window in its last successful state.
Boss Enhancements
With new controls, you can create geometry in a single boss feature that would require multiple features previously.

-A Boss feature is placed at a point centered on the mating face of the head and the thread. To change the position of a Boss placement, in the Offset From Sketch field, enter a value.
-The Angle to Fill field controls the position of ribs on the boss feature.
-You can create designs that do not require ribs to go 360 degrees around the boss.

Project to 3D Sketch
While working in a 2D sketch, you can preview 3D sketch geometry. The Project to 3D Sketch command projects geometry from the active 2D sketch and onto selected faces to create a 3D sketch.
With the command active while you modify a 2D sketch, the new geometry displays in a preview. After you finish the 2D sketch, the 3D sketch is created.
Rib Enhancements
The Rib command dialog box is enhanced with better organization and additional functionality. With the new functionality, you can create geometry that was not possible previously in a single feature.

-When creating webs (feature is extruded normal to the sketch plane), Draft and Boss tabs are available.
-An option is available to specify the thickness at the sketch or at the root of the rib feature.
-While you create rib features, a realistic preview displays.

Sweep Along Edge
Edges of geometry are valid selections for the sweep path. When you create the sweep feature, the edges project onto a new 3D sketch.
Design View Representations in Parts
In part files, design view representations store information related to the part view, such as part color, work feature visibility, and camera position.
The browser provides access to design view representations.
Section Views: Move section planes
You can change the positions of section planes in a section view.
Methods to move a section plane:

-Right-click, and select Virtual Movement >Section Plane 1 (or Section Plane 2).
-Drag the section plane to the desired position.
-Set offset of the section plane in the Offset dialog box.
-Place the cursor on the Offset dialog box, and rotate the mouse wheel to move the section plane.

Autodesk Inventor 2012-New Features Overview
Autodesk Inventor 2012-New Features Part 1-User Interface and Productivity
Autodesk Inventor 2012-New Features Part 3-Interoperability,Simulation,Sustainability
Autodesk Inventor 2012-New Features Part 4-Tooling

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