This Update addresses multiple issues for Inventor 2015.
Here is what is addressed in Update 1:
- Workplane display prevents view at half section of assembly
- ACAD DWG with 3D entities with units in meters will be imported into Inventor in millimeters
- After shrinkwrap composite surface disappear and editing of derived assembly cause change of the composite to solid
- Cut normal fails on a contour flange with two adjacent bends
- Failure to create tangent constrain for Interpolation Spline
- FreeForm edit change not recognized as a model change
- Inventor HSM doesn't support Redo cases
- OpenSSL Heartbleed security vulnerability
- Section view of assembly containing Content Center parts gives incorrect result
- Unable to constrain when changing the dimension
- When the background color is changed, it becomes difficult to see the dimension text
- Unexpected exit during move item with Tube and Pipe items attached due to Bolted Connection
- Unexpected exit during sketch constraint
- Unexpected exit if calling FindUsingVector API in OnPreSelect event handler if in Assembly file
- Unexpected exit when opening certain files with stored VBA code or when attempting to open the VBA editor within Inventor
- Unexpected exit on Cut Normal on a sheet metal part with contour flange and contour roll
- Unexpected exit saving drawing standard with imported materials in hatch pattern defaults
- Unexpected exit when attach the incorrect point cloud model
- Unexpected exit when attempting to edit a sick sweep
- Unexpected exit when copy and paste Workplane
- Unexpected exit when editing hole
- Unexpected exit when enter Frame Analysis environment after Insert Frame
- Unexpected exit when import the style (with material changed) which was previously exported
- Unexpected exit when open a drawing
- Unexpected exit when retrieving dimension
- Unexpected exit when saving as dwg file
- Unexpected exit when the user switches to LOD with missing reference file on forward creating derive assembly
- Unexpected exit after undo and delete moved component
- Multiple general stability enhancements
Both the 32-bit and 64-bit are included in the download.
Here is a link for the Readme File - Click Here...
This update covers the following products:
- Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015
- Autodesk Inventor 2015
- Autodesk Factory Design Suite Premium 2015
- Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2015
- Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2015
- Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2015
Incredible Post! I always like your blog, because you always update news of CAD software.sothat i always read your blogs and also read blogs.because i get more knowledge about New updating of Cad software from both of your blogs.So Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.