This free technology preview allows you to quickly create 3D models of 2D-designed parts with an add-in utility for Autodesk Inventor software. Activated as part of file import, the 2D to 3D Tool automatically transforms drawing views into orthogonal sketches, significantly streamlining the preparation of 2D views for 3D uses.
Here are the versions of Inventor that are supported:
- Autodesk Inventor 2014
- Autodesk Inventor 2013
- Autodesk Inventor 2012
- Autodesk Inventor 2011
- Autodesk Inventor 2010
- Autodesk Inventor 2009
- Autodesk Inventor 2008
- Autodesk Inventor 11
2D to 3D Tool for Autodesk Inventor
Image Credits: Autodesk Labs
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