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September 18, 2013

AutoCAD 2014 Service Pack 1

Autodesk has released Service Pack 1 (SP1) for AutoCAD 2014.

Here is a link to download AutoCAD 2014 SP1 32-bit, Click Here...
Here is a link to download AutoCAD 2014 SP1 64-bit, Click Here...

Here is a link for the Readme file, Click Here…

This Service Pack can be applied to AutoCAD 2014 installed as a standalone application as well as AutoCAD 2014 installed from the following Autodesk Design Suites.
  • AutoCAD Design Suite 2014
  • Autodesk Building Design Suite 2014
  • Autodesk Factory Design Suite 2014
  • Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite 2014
  • Autodesk Plant Design Suite 2014
  • Autodesk Product Design Suite 2014
Here are the details regarding what is included in the SP1.

Problems Reported with the Customer Error Reporting Utility

  • Occasional crashes related to operating blocks with the Lookup parameter.
Autodesk 360
  • Crashes when trying to sign out of Autodesk 360 from inside AutoCAD if you have previously uninstalled Autodesk 360.
Command Line
  • Occasional crashes when clicking or dragging the command line window in Windows 8.
  • Occasional crashes when opening a drawing that contains certain customized materials.
  • Occasional crashes when plotting a drawing with unreconciled layers.
  • Occasional crashes when switching drawings or layouts.
  • Occasional crashes when editing with grips or cycling grips.
  • Occasional crashes when exiting AutoCAD.
  • Occasional crashes when zooming or panning in a drawing that contains a locked viewport.
General Service Pack Updates

3D Modeling
  • Cannot read specific solid modeling information after saving a drawing to 2004-based version of AutoCAD and reopening it in a 2014-based version.
  • The uniform scale check box sometimes displays incorrectly as unchecked.
DGN Support
  • Issues with copying and pasting DGN linetypes in a drawing.
Document Switching
  • The file name is not displayed in the File tab on Turkish-language operating systems.
File Navigation
  • The application sometimes stops responding when the file selection dropdown list is being used on Windows 8 with a smart phone device plugged in.
  • Wipeout doesn't work when Lines Merge is turned on during plot.
  • Lines near a Wipeout boundary don't plot.
  • Some images don't plot when the visual style is set to Realistic and software acceleration is turned on.
  • In some cases, DWG files containing Raster images, PDF or DWF underlays don't plot correctly when publishing to DWFx.
Point Cloud
  • A memory leak issue.
  • Some point cloud scan files are not displayed correctly.
  • An API issue might cause the colors set by normalization and intensity to change after cropping.
  • SELECTIONPREVIEW is incorrectly set to 0 during drawing certain editing and zooming operations.
  • In certain cases, external commands in an acad.pgp file are not executed correctly.
  • There's a performance issue with drawings saved as AutoCAD 2010 drawings.
  • Changing the position of multiple blocks via the Properties palette is not correctly applied to all selected blocks.
  • In certain cases, drawing files with invalid fonts cause AutoCAD to freeze on startup.
  • AutoCAD crashes when a custom entity contains embedded AcDb3dSolid.

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